Burning Man is dumb
It's the time of the year again, folks. Yes, that's right, Burning Man is upon us.
Burning Man- The annual pilgrimage to the Nevada desert by white, middle/ upper-class people who get to pretend they're all fascinating and unique snowflakes for two weeks. A celebration of the World!
Right, like I wanted to see all the washed up dot.commers again, playing hippy art student in the desert!
The Burning Man poseurs are part an "in" crowd who pretend to reject such conventions, but then again- they all look, sound and act exactly the same. And god-damn do they get indignant when you call them out on it! "You don't get it man, you're not living till you live on the Playa"- yea, and run around naked, cover myself in paint, wear a silly outfit and make-out with 15 strangers.
Know what? the majority of people in Africa live in the dirt every day. Our ancestors did it for hundreds of thousands of years- there's nothing ground-breaking about it. You want to get personal with the elements of nature? Go camping with a bottle of Jack Daniel's and a bag of weed- shut up for once and really experience something.
It all Sounds wonderful of course. Living in the dirt, getting fucked up on drugs, waking up with whatever happens to roll on top of you that night -and perhaps give you a disease. Then you go from camp to camp checking out other's people's retard art, telling them they're geniuses, hoping wildly they'll return the favor when they see you locked out of your head on booze and pills.
It's like a "free pass" to act like an idiot in the hot sun. Then you just write off the indiscretions as Burning Man Fun that nobody could understand because it was altered State affair, man. Then smile idiotically, for next year you can rejoin all your noise-aholic friends again!
So long, suckers!