Friday, February 11, 2005

Is Chief Justice William Rehnquist "Deep Throat"?

Deep Throat is Ill

In a Los Angeles Times piece, former Nixon counsel John Dean writes that Bob Woodward "has advised his executive editor at the Washington Post that Deep Throat is ill. And Ben Bradlee, former executive editor of the Post and one of the few people to whom Woodward confided his source's identity, has publicly acknowledged that he has written Throat's obituary."

Recent poll says Rehnquist is Deep Throat

Or was it FBI deputy associate director Mark Felt? Who is also ill.

Slate 2002 article

CNN archive article

Understanding Propaganda- from an expert

Consider these following principles of propaganda. As you read them, think of examples of how, when and where they were used.

1. Use only one or two selling points.
2. Repeat them over and over until even your enemies know them by heart.
3. Always choose the big lie over the small; the masses will believe it more readily.
4. Never waver, acknowledge no doubt, always blame - never credit - the other side.
5. Good propaganda must first attract attention, then appeal to emotions.
6. Shades of gray don't work: issues must be love/hate, good/evil, life/death.
7. Good slogans have no literal meaning, only a strong emotional appeal.
8. Ignore intellectuals, avoid reasonable arguments, use emotional arguments, target the unthinking masses.
9. Ignore moral limits when stakes are high; the masses will see this as proof of a just cause.

If this looks to you like the first page of the play book for the Bush campaign, you have company. But it isn't. Or at least, only those in charge of the Republican campaign machinery know for sure.

These principles are actually from chapter 6 ("War Propaganda") of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf", written in 1925 while he was in prison. Has a student or acolyte of Hitler's gained control of the Rebuplican party campaigns these days? Considering the style of their victories in the last two elections, many would say yes.

Check out this web link to Mein Kampf, chapter 6. The above points were found in this text, although they have been re-prased to be more direct and succinct. But they were Hitler's ideas, put on paper, and the Republican Party is now making full use of them.
Hitler Play Book Chap 6.

Nuclear Weapon scorecard: North Korea 1 Israel 200

Israel's top secret Dimona nuclear facility has produced enough plutonium for up to 200 nuclear weapons. article from 2000

"Based on plausible upper and lower bounds of the operating practices at the reactor, Israel could have thus produced enough plutonium for at least 100 nuclear weapons, but probably not significantly more than 200 weapons," the Federation of American Scientists said."

"For reactor design and construction, Israel sought the assistance of France. Nuclear cooperation between the two nations dates back as far as early 1950's, when construction began on France's 40MWt heavy water reactor and a chemical reprocessing plant at Marcoule. France was a natural partner for Israel and both governments saw an independent nuclear option as a means by which they could maintain a degree of autonomy in the bipolar environment of the cold war."

The French also provided the reactor for the program at Osiraq, Iraq

1970s, Iraq was unsuccessful in negotiations with France to purchase a plutonium production reactor similar to the one used in France's nuclear weapons program. In addition to the reactor, Iraq also wanted to purchase the reporcessing plant needed to recover the plutonium produced in the reactor. Even through these requests were denied, France agreed to build a research reactor along with associated laboratories. Iraq built the Osiraq 40 megawatt light-water nuclear reactor at the Al Tuwaitha Nuclear Center near Baghdad with French assistance. Approximately 27.5 pounds of 93% U-235 was supplied to Iraq by France for use in the Osiraq research reactor.

At 15:55 on 07 June 1981, the first F-15 and F-16's roared off the runway from Etzion Air Force Base in the south. Israeli air force planes flew over Jordanian, Saudi, and Iraqi airspace After a tense but uneventful low-level navigation route, the fighters reached their target. They popped up at 17:35 and quickly identified the dome gleaming in the late afternoon sunlight. Iraqi defenses were caught by surprise and opened fire too late. In one minute and twenty seconds, the reactor lay in ruins.

Baghdad reiterated a previous statement that the French atomic reactor was designed for research and for the eventual production of electricity. In a statement issued after the raid, the Israeli government stated that it had discovered from "sources of unquestioned reliability" that Iraq was producing nuclear bombs at the Osiraq plant, and, for this reason, Israel had initiated a preemptive strike.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

CNN are not interested in 911 News today

FoxNews are actually running this story, ommiting for now that part about suicide attacks and domestic airliners.

Fox News partial story
CNN still running story about a woman and an Iraq hero hoax.

Now CNN have a poll running on if Prince Charles should marry Camilla Parker Bowles
72% dont care and would like to have some news, please
15% find it scandalous and "don't approve"
13% Approve and wish them all the best a royal family could hope for.

CNN finally run the story and bury it.

Buried CNN story

"Commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable."

Information that comes out after the election. After the offical 9/11 Report is published.

From the New York Times Feb 9th 2005.

" discloses that the Federal Aviation Administration, despite being focused on risks of hijackings overseas, warned airports in the spring of 2001 that if "the intent of the hijacker is not to exchange hostages for prisoners, but to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion, a domestic hijacking would probably be preferable."


US Aviation Officials Received Warnings About Hijackings Before 9/11

Report: US Aviation Officials Received Warnings About Hijackings Before 9/11

By  VOA News
10 February 2005

A published report says the U.S. agency that oversees aviation failed to respond to dozens of warnings about possible terrorist strikes on U.S. airliners before the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The New York Times Thursday reported that the information is contained in a previously undisclosed report from the September 11th Commission, which investigated the deadly attacks on Washington and New York.

The report says the Federal Aviation Administration received 52 intelligence reports between April and September of 2001 that warned of potential terrorist action by al-Qaida and its leader, Osama bin Laden.

Five of the security warnings mentioned al-Qaida training for airline hijacking and suicide attacks.

Quoting the report, the New York Times concludes that prior to the attacks, aviation officials were "lulled into a false sense of security," despite intelligence pointing to a growing terrorist threat.

Some information for this story provided by AP and Reuters.

Voice of America

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Fake News Propaganda "Reporter" quits

Bush parrot decides he doesn't like scrutiny.

Talon News Washington bureau chief and White House correspondent Jeff Gannon's decision "to return to private life" "[b]ecause of the attention being paid" to him represents a departure from his recent public statements indicating that he was grateful for the media attention and that he would continue as a conservative journalist.

From Media Matters-
Media Matter Reports the story

Michigan Senator's petition to save Social Security from Bush

Sign Senator Stabenow's petition to President Bush demanding he protect Social Security

Senator Stabenow's online petition

Every bit of noise helps.

Michael Kinsley Explains (Social Security)

Kinsley's Proof That Social Security Privatization Won't Work

December 19, 2004
By Michael Kinsley
Los Angeles Times

MY CONTENTION: Social Security privatization is not just unlikely to succeed, for various reasons that are subject to discussion. It is mathematically certain to fail. Discussion is pointless.

The usual case against privatization is that (1) millions of inexperienced investors may end up worse off, and (2) stocks don't necessarily do better than bonds over the long run, as proponents assume. But privatization won't work for a better reason: It can't possibly work, even in theory.

The logic is not very complicated:

1. To "work," privatization must generate more money for retirees than current arrangements. This bonus is supposed to be extra money in retirees' pockets and/or it is supposed to make up for a reduction in promised benefits, thus helping to close the looming revenue gap.

2. Where does this bonus come from? There are only two possibilities-- from greater economic growth or from other people.

3. Greater economic growth requires either more capital to invest or smarter investment of the same amount of capital. Privatization will not lead to either of these.

a) If nothing else in the federal budget changes, every dollar deflected from the federal treasury into private Social Security accounts must be replaced by a dollar that the government raises in private markets. So the total pool of capital available for private investment remains the same.

b) The only change in decision-making about capital investment is that the decisions about some fraction of the capital stock will be made by people with little or no financial experience. Maybe this will not be the disaster that some critics predict, but there is no reason to think that it will actually increase the overall return on capital.

4. If the economy doesn't produce more than it otherwise would, the Social Security privatization bonus must come from other investors, in the form of a lower return.

a) This is in fact the implicit assumption behind the notion of putting Social Security money into stocks, instead of government bonds, because stocks have a better long-term return. The bonus will come from those saps who sell the stocks and buy the bonds.

b) In other words, privatization means betting the nation's most important social program on a theory that cannot be true unless many people are convinced that it's false.

c) Even if the theory were true, initially, privatization would make it false. The money newly available for private investment would bid up the price of (and thus lower the return on) stocks, while the government would need to raise the interest on bonds in order to attract replacement money.

Bush Explains (Social Security plan)

White House Press Release

(Let me know if any of this doesn't make sense)

"Because the -- all which is on the table begins to address the big cost drivers. For example, how benefits are calculate, for example, is on the table; whether or not benefits rise based upon wage increases or price increases. There's a series of parts of the formula that are being considered. And when you couple that, those different cost drivers, affecting those -- changing those with personal accounts, the idea is to get what has been promised more likely to be -- or closer delivered to what has been promised.

Does that make any sense to you? It's kind of muddled. Look, there's a series of things that cause the -- like, for example, benefits are calculated based upon the increase of wages, as opposed to the increase of prices. Some have suggested that we calculate -- the benefits will rise based upon inflation, as opposed to wage increases. There is a reform that would help solve the red if that were put into effect. In other words, how fast benefits grow, how fast the promised benefits grow, if those -- if that growth is affected, it will help on the red.

Okay, better? I'll keep working on it."

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

CIA Torture Jet Revealed. Run by fake person

Got a feeling they're not subjecting these guys to bad airline food or snooty stewardesses.

Yahoo News Story mirrored

CIA prisoners 'tortured' in Arab jails

I mean we wouldn't let such a thing as our own legal system or the Geneva Convention get in the way of Bush administration would we? I guess the moral high ground is something we are subjected to when it is politically convenient but not something the government would consider following

Democracy in-action.

Mysterious jet tied to torture flights
John Crewdson
Chicago Tribune senior correspondent

Dec 26 04 WashPost

CIA Torture Jet Revealed
Dana Priest
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, December 27, 2004; Page A01

The airplane is a Gulfstream V turbojet, the sort favored by CEOs and celebrities. But since 2001 it has been seen at military airports from Pakistan to Indonesia to Jordan, sometimes being boarded by hooded and handcuffed passengers.

The plane's owner of record, Premier Executive Transport Services Inc., lists directors and officers who appear to exist only on paper. And each one of those directors and officers has a recently issued Social Security number and an address consisting only of a post office box, according to an extensive search of state, federal and commercial records.

Bryan P. Dyess, Steven E. Kent, Timothy R. Sperling and Audrey M. Tailor are names without residential, work, telephone or corporate histories - just the kind of "sterile identities," said current and former intelligence officials, that the C.I.A. uses to conceal involvement in clandestine operations. In this case, the agency is flying captured terrorist suspects from one country to another for detention and interrogation.

The C.I.A. calls this activity "rendition." Premier Executive's Gulfstream helps make it possible. According to civilian aircraft landing permits, the jet has permission to use U.S. military airfields worldwide. ...

The story of the Gulfstream V offers a rare glimpse into the C.I.A.'s secret operations, a world that current and former C.I.A. officers said should not have been so easy to document.

Not only have the plane's movements been tracked around the world, but the on-paper officers of Premier Executive Transport Services are also connected to a larger roster of false identities. (cont.)

U.S bemoans spies, uses Echelon to Corporate Spy

The Russians Are Coming

The FBI is concerned about Moscow's growing number of spies. What secrets are they looking for?


Time Magazine Jan 05

These countries are only responding to the U.S Economic spy network, I should add.

The Echelon system is known in the spy world as a tool for the U.S. government to be able to undermine global economic rivals by using the sophisticated code-breaking, network snooping and interception. And then passing on the secrets to U.S. corporations. They may also use it to track terrorists, when they have spare time.

Echelon info

Take a poll on Bush Social Security racket

Take it here- Interventionmag


Will Bush succeed in partially privatizing Social Security?

No (America wakes from patriotic coma to barely save our cherished program)

Yes ( Bush guts the liberals gift to America. Go to hell poor people!)

Yes, but less than Bush wants ( Remaining optimists here)
(Correct answer is NO)

Talon News- Republican fake news

Media Matters does it again! as if the TV media isn't parroting the Bush administration enough

Media Matters Story #1

Media Matters Story #2

Talon News "reporter" lifts from GOP documents verbatim for "news reports"

Talon News Washington bureau chief and White House correspondent Jeff Gannon, who accused his colleagues in the press corps of "work[ing] off of the talking points" provided by Democrats, has used Bush administration and Republican National Committee (RNC) documents and releases in his Talon "news reports" verbatim and without attribution. In at least two of his articles, Gannon lifted more than half of the text directly from GOP "fact sheets." Moreover, as Media Matters for America has pointed out, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh proclaimed that Gannon repeated a fabricated assertion of Limbaugh's in a question he asked of President Bush at a January 26 press conference.

Bush, Social Security & Fake grass roots

Fake grass roots

1343 Students have signed the "One Million College Students" for Social Security Privatization website.

They don't appear to have accepted my "Signature" that I submitted as:

George Bush Is Fuckin Lying
Corporate Prostitute
Washington D.C

I even gave them a link to There is NO crisis because I am such a nice fellow.

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