Is Michael Crichton full of shit?
If you are a fan of Michael Crichton (Who isn't!?) perhaps you'll be interested in his latest controversy, State of Fear.
In State of Fear he reverses field and uses the incorrectly perceived threats of environmental disaster as the underlying impetus for a novel. In Crichton's view, the whole global warming argument is false. His view is that environmentalism has degenerated into a quasi religious system devoid of scientific veracity. Thus, the proponents of the global warming hysteria are pushing faith over fact, many of them have lost their moorings and the inevitable result is a grand conspiracy.
Some interesting topics at the Michael Crichton message board site. Join in the debate!
The Science - CO2 & Global Warming
The Science - Battle of the Scientific Studies
Michael Crichton message board
What you have to worry about is that the nature of science is that there is a built in level of uncertainty in every theory. No matter how well supported a theory is there is statistically a trivial chance that another alternate event may happen. This often miniscule percentage point is what Creationist seize upon to refute science.
Science has indeed changed over time- yet another event not unnoticed by creationists. It should be pointed out though that accepted theories and explanations in today's science are much less likely
to be refuted. The science and standards are just better and there is more academic strutiny.
Looking forward to reading the book!
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