Friday, February 18, 2005

Jeff Gannon=Bush Whore & internet whore

I know,the real issue is about Jeff Gannon's propaganda operation. It is very amusing that he's a whore for the Bush team and a $200 an hour gay whore. I guess its a short trip to Karl Rove's office once you've hustled your ass on the internet? Sad that the media are not focusing much on either story.

The side-show about all these gay operatives for the RNC is unusual though. Why so many?

I'd love to interview one of these gay Republicans. I don't get it. Why align yourself with the party that essentially rejects you, finds you morally inferior and reminds you marriage is only for "straight" people, and that we must protect the sanctity of America's 50% marriage failure rate?

Some of these guys, for example-

Ken Mehlman, new Republican Chair-
Ken Mehlman info

Armstrong Williams, sold out to the Bush team for $240,000
Armstrong Williams kisses up

Dan Gurley, National Field Director.
Dan Gurley Gay.Com profile
More on Gurley

You guys are all perfectly welcome over on our side! No need to hide behind the anti-gay agenda.
(I believe Gurley was even involved with the Red State scare tactic mass mailings on gay marriage.)


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